If you have any problems with the registration, please contact us.
To learn more about pro bono opportunities in New Jersey, please answer the following questions. Once the information is submitted to PROBONONJ and you become part of the pro bono movement, you will join thousands of attorneys and other volunteers who are helping to bridge the civil justice gap in New Jersey.
Once the information is completed and submitted, we will send you an e-mail confirmation.
Example: 555-555-5555
Your password must be at least 6 characters long.
Please select the type of volunteer assistance you would like to provide*
Please provide your attorney ID number for at least one jurisdiction in which you are admitted to practice and are in good standing(If applicable).
Identify the practice area(s) in which you want to take pro bono referrals.*
Choose a Participating Organization(s)
Once you have enrolled with one or more participating organization(s), visit your "My PROBONONJ" page to view the organization(s) with which you are currently enrolled.
Enrollment with a participating organization may provide you with particular benefits that are only available to those who enroll with that organization. Each participating organization determines for itself what benefits to offer. For a list of potential benefits, click here.
If you need more information about the participating organizations before you enroll, click here.
Please select one or more organizations with which you would like to enroll.
In order to best serve your pro bono interests, please complete the following additional information about how you want to assist the organization(s) with which you enroll. This information will be forwarded to the organization(s) you select.
Since you identified yourself as a lawyer, please select any of the activities in which you want to help the participating organization(s) you selected above.
For each of the practice area(s) you selected above, please describe your experience or knowledge in the area(s) or describe your training needs if applicable.
Do you want to limit the geographical locations from which you will accept pro bono referrals?
Please select any county(ies) in which you are NOT willing to meet with clients.
Please select any county(ies) in which you are NOT willing to appear in court.
Please provide more details about the limitations you selected above.
Please select any language(s) other than English in which you can provide pro bono assistance. FrenchKoreanGujaratiOtherHaitian CreolePortugueseHindiSpanish
Please select any language(s) other than English for which you are able to provide translations or agree to provide an interpreter. FrenchKoreanGujaratiOtherHaitian CreolePortugueseHindiSpanish
Benefits of PROBONONJ Registration: